Improving Activity Attendance

If you are struggling to motivate older people then this PDF book is for you. It looks at the older person’s point of view and what they feel about activities. What activities they like, whether they will want to be involved in group or individual activities and what person centred activities are. Because all the activities we provide should be person centred to them.

At the root of this book we use different skills to get older people to engage with us. We look at having the right goal to engage people, what buyers remorse is, what loss aversion is and how we can use the art of persuasion to get older people to attend the activities we provide. Furthermore, we look at the nudge skill, the reward system and how trust plays a huge part in activity engagement.

The book also looks at dementia and motivation. how we can motivate those who are in the reflective, symbolic, sensory motor and reflex stages of dementia. How dementia affects our motivation to engage with people and activities in general. We also look at the concept of need and rewards and how these can be used to get older people to attend the activities we provide.

In summary we help you, the activity co-ordinator, co-ordinate your activities so your residents will find them fun, meaningful, worthwhile and most of all relevant to them. They will want to attend the activities you provide because you will have created exactly what they desire to do.

The manual is downloadable and once purchased you will receive an email. The cost of the manual is £8.99. You can purchase it directly from this website or if you would like more information or to speak with someone please email 


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