Lone Working

If you send staff to work alone you can avoid loss in reputation, income and good name. Avoid the inevitable emotional and financial losses that can occur when staff working in the community meets threats they’re unprepared for. You can enquire for more details.

The aim of the course is to equip your staff with the skills to work alone safely in the community.

Those who attend the course will be able to:

  1. Identify the their role in avoiding incidents working into the community
  2. Identify the importance of abiding to and maintaining risk assessments
  3. Identify the early signs of difficulties on site visits
  4. Understanding common triggers for incidents and how to maintain their safety
  5. Use techniques to manage the full range of challenging behaviours faced by community lone workers
  6. Optional- take part in a practical disengagement session


3 hours or 6 hours


Certificates will be issued upon completion of the course.